The River Trent: The images in this grid below form a selection of images taken in and around the village of Littleborough, where there was a ferry dating back to the Roman times.  Its Roman name was Segelocum and was crossed by the Venerable Bede, an English Monk.  The pictures were made during significant floods following Storm Babet in 2023.
T R E N T  ( i )
Littleborough, the Roman Crossing.
T R E N T  ( ii )
Littleborough, the Roman Crossing.
T R E N T  ( iii )
Littleborough, the Roman Crossing.
T R E N T  ( iv )
Littleborough, the Roman Crossing.
T R E N T  ( iv )
Littleborough, the Roman Crossing.
T R E N T  ( v )
Littleborough, the Roman Crossing.
T R E N T  ( vi )
Littleborough, the Roman Crossing.
T R E N T  ( vii )
Littleborough, the Roman Crossing.
T R E N T  ( viii )
Littleborough, the Roman Crossing.
T R E N T  ( ix )
Littleborough, the Roman Crossing.
T R E N T  ( x )
Littleborough, the Roman Crossing.
T R E N T  ( xi )
Littleborough, the Roman Crossing.
T R E N T  ( xii )
Littleborough, the Roman Crossing.
T R E N T  ( xiii )
Littleborough, the Roman Crossing.
T R E N T  ( xiv )
Littleborough, the Roman Crossing.
T R E N T  ( xv )
Littleborough, the Roman Crossing.
T R E N T  ( xvi )
Littleborough, the Roman Crossing.
T R E N T  ( xvii )
Littleborough, the Roman Crossing.
T R E N T  ( xviii )
Littleborough, the Roman Crossing.
T R E N T  ( xix )
Littleborough, the Roman Crossing.
T R E N T  ( xx )
Littleborough, the Roman Crossing.
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